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Providing the right advice on complex and demanding infrastructure projects

Through our flexible, dedicated and client-focused specialists, staff at Metrica are well versed in providing the right advice at the right time for complex and demanding infrastructure projects

As members of The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA), staff at Metrica support our clients with the various technical inputs required in the development of a successful and efficient infrastructure project.

We work with a variety of clients, including property developers, construction contractors and Local Authorities at all stages of the development process, including:

  • Initial feasibility studies
  • Risk identification and appraisal of options
  • Pre-consent outline mitigation design
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Post-consent value engineering design
  • On-going monitoring and support

Industrial / Commercial Infrastructure

Industrial and Commercial Infrastructure refers to the facilities essential for successful operation and sustainable growth of the industrial sector. We can support you at all stages of the planning process, from feasibility studies, constraints mapping, management and preparation of robust planning applications, through to the negotiation of appropriate planning conditions / permits, and operational monitoring.

Our experience includes providing technical support for Development Consent Orders (DCO) for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) in England and Section 36 Consents in Scotland.

For existing industrial facilities, we can provide the following services to support ongoing compliance with the required environmental and Health Safety Regulations:

Transportation Systems

The clean, efficient movement of people, goods and services is fundamental to a sustainable economy. Metrica can provide valuable insights into the impacts associated with both proposed and existing transportation routes, including:

With experience of a wide range of transportation schemes, we can provide the specialised technical skills to identify, assess and support the development, construction and operation of sustainable transport systems.

London tube train in rapid motion


The increasing occurrence of weather extremes due to climate change is a significant challenge in terms of ensuring a clean, reliable water supply, as well as managing and mitigating the risk of flooding. We work with expert hydrologists to provide robust, cost- effective technical services in a number of areas, including:

  • Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
  • Fluvial and Pluvial Flood Risk Modelling
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Private Water Supply Assessment
  • Water Quality Monitoring

Key processes and mechanical plant in the water industry can often generate high levels of noise, such as pumps, generators, and fans. As many water and waste water treatment plants are located close to residential areas, these processes can adversely impact the amenity of local residents, as well as being an occupational health and safety risk for staff in terms of noise-induced hearing loss. The Noise and Vibration team at Metrica can provide assessments and advice to address these issues, including:
