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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Metrica has a detailed, in-depth knowledge of the EIA process

Staff at Metrica have a detailed, in-depth knowledge of the EIA process, having provided technical chapters for EIA applications across a wide range of sectors, both in the UK and internationally

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process is designed to ensure any significant effect a project may have on the environment is taken into account when considering whether to grant planning permission. This includes the Town and Country Planning applications, as well as Development Consent Orders / s36 Applications.

The legislative framework can be complex, and failure to correctly follow EIA procedure can be the root cause of planning permissions being refused.

If an EIA is required, then a Scoping exercise is undertaken. This is a process to identify key potential significant effects of a project, and determine which environmental topics and assessment methods are considered in the forthcoming assessment. Consultation with the relevant Local Planning Authority and statutory consultees is crucial to ensure the scope of the EIA is reasonable and proportionate.

Once submitted, the assessment is subject to public consultation and examination before being considered as a key part of the decision-making process for planning permission.
