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Metrica has extensive experience predicting, managing and mitigating environmental impacts during construction projects

Impacts during construction require careful consideration, in terms of both the intensity and duration of various activities

However, through the development of robust management plans, mitigation schemes and real-time monitoring, works can be completed on time and on budget, whilst also minimising disturbance.

Staff at Metrica have extensive experience of construction impacts on a variety of projects and are CSCS certified to undertake monitoring on actives sites

Working alongside developers, planners, construction contractors and Local Authorities, we offer the following services:

  • Liaison with Local Authorities and other key stakeholders
  • Modelling, Prediction and Assessment of construction impacts, including construction traffic
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Planning Condition Negotiation and Discharge
  • Advice on Construction Noise and Vibration mitigation using Best Practicable Means (BPM)
  • Surface Water Management and Drainage advice
  • Technical Input to Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP)
  • Clerk of Works Services
  • Baseline, real-time and long-term unattended Noise, Vibration and Dust monitoring
  • Complaint Investigation