Impacts during construction require careful consideration, in terms of both the intensity and duration of various activities
However, through the development of robust management plans, mitigation schemes and real-time monitoring, works can be completed on time and on budget, whilst also minimising disturbance.
Staff at Metrica have extensive experience of construction impacts on a variety of projects and are CSCS certified to undertake monitoring on actives sites
Working alongside developers, planners, construction contractors and Local Authorities, we offer the following services:
- Liaison with Local Authorities and other key stakeholders
- Modelling, Prediction and Assessment of construction impacts, including construction traffic
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Planning Condition Negotiation and Discharge
- Advice on Construction Noise and Vibration mitigation using Best Practicable Means (BPM)
- Surface Water Management and Drainage advice
- Technical Input to Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP)
- Clerk of Works Services
- Baseline, real-time and long-term unattended Noise, Vibration and Dust monitoring
- Complaint Investigation