Metrica’s acoustics team were commissioned to carry out a Noise at Work assessment for a large paper manufacturer in North Yorkshire. A site visit was undertaken, which included the following:
- Measurement of noise levels at all operators positions
- Recording the type, make, condition and approximate daily use of all equipment
- Measurement of noise levels at 1 m in front of all noise generating equipment
- General noise measurements around the site to identify potential noise protection zones
- Appraisal of existing hearing protection signage around the factory floor
- Discussion with shift manager to determine working patterns
- Identification of areas and operations where noise control measures could be utilised to reduce noise levels
A report was produced in accordance with the Noise at Work Regulations, and included the following sections:
- Overview of the site
- Results of noise levels measured for all plant items and operations
- Comparison of results to the exposure action values
- Calculation of how long equipment can be used before exceeding action values
- Identification of areas which exceed lower and upper action values
- Recommendation of noise control techniques to reduce noise exposure
- Discussion of hearing protection
In order to reduce noise exposure to as low as reasonably practicable, a number of technical and organisational controls were recommended. Some of the different types of noise control are summarised below:
- Job design – noisy equipment should only be used when required
- Job rotation – where employees have varying exposures to noise
- Change of machine – consider purchasing quieter models, where possible
- Change of activity – changing the design of construction to avoid noisy processes
- Workplace design – consider changing the layout of the workplace to reduce noise exposure
- Noise control – such as enclosures, silencers, screens, barriers or noise refuges
For more information about Noise at Work assessments, please see our Noise at Work page, or get in touch!